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we interviewed a few people in our school about things that we were interested in related to the SDG. We planned putting everything in diagrams, but “T”’s interview was remarkable, so we decided to show it completely. enjoy!  

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I: Do you know what are the SDGs?


T: No.


I: Alright. SDG are goals that the United Nations decided to defined in 2015 as necessary steps on our way to an ideal world. They include solving problems like: hunger, thirst, sexism, racism, climate changes and more..


T: That's great, I'm all for it. 


I: The 17th and last goal is “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”


T: It sounds very socialist. I'm Really into it.


I: Do you think that all goals are equally important?


T: No. I think education is the most important goal. Equal education, because it's the base for everything. Everyone needs to have an equal chance to learn, whatever their social-economic situation is.


I: You have really good answers.


T: I have great answers.


I: Do you think that goal no.17 is more important than the other goals? Or should it be solved first?


T: I think so. Can i go further?


I: Go on.


T: I think that part of each one of the goals is solidarity, and no.17 is really about national development, which for me is the definition of solidarity.


I: What do you think is the first step on our way to implement the goals?


T: Scholarships. I think that taking different people of every status that have some kind of potential to develop, grouping them together and make some kind of...


I: Committee?


T: Yes, committee, with representatives of students, teachers, workers, representatives of all social statuses and types in the population.


I: So, more public than the United Nations.


T: Yes. The United Nations committee is mostly politicians, people that are in a high class, and their interests aren’t necessarily for the best of the weaker status.


I: What do you think that the ordinary citizen could do to help?


T: Ummm… I think that people, mostly people in my status, that have money and  privileges could really try to understand how to balance the society, to donate, to volunteer, to eat less meat, make less plastic or even give some change to a homeless person. 


I: Thank you so much!

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